Sri Aurobindo Marketing Agency
Mirra Enterprise
This is the marketing wing of Adan Pradan Trust to display and sell products made in Pondicherry.
The Mother had opened a shop called SAASCO (Sri Aurobindo Ashram Central Sales Organisation) in Pondicherry to sell products made by Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust was later recognised as a Public Charitable Trust and was given exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and therefore, can not carry out any commercial activity.
Adan Pradan Trust is a Business Charitable Trust and has also been given exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 but can carry out commercial activities. Adan Pradan means Mutual Exchange. Adan Pradan Trust was started by a Trustee of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust for the benefit of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. .
The business wing of Adan Pradan Trust is Mirra Enterprise. Mirra Enterprise has setup two eCommerce websites, one named SACSO (Sri Aurobindo Central Sales Organisation) Online and this one named SAMA (Sri Aurobindo Marketing Agency) Online and would like to carry forward this vision of the Mother to have sales outlets to sell the products made by the units associated with Sri Aurobindo Ashram and also by artisans in and around Pondicherry.